Did it take a global pandemic to finally be open and bold about sex?

By talking to different people in diverse cities and with different stories, we realized that we all have one thing in common: this on and off lockdown has influenced our relationships, sexual behaviors and has allowed us to explore and push sex-positive conversations.

At the beginning of the pandemic, New York State released an official guide for safer sex practices during the pandemic, which encouraged masturbation. Celebrities like Dakota Johnson, Cara Delevigne launched sexual wellness brands to boost the "movement" and now more and more people are being open and are telling their intimate stories through art and even just social media.

In a world of solitude, we turned our gaze inwards, which allowed us to create a space where we could reconnect with our bodies in a more intimate way, to love freely, let go of stereotypes and to just be. Because after all... the only way to feel comfortable in our own skin is by exploring, understanding and expressing through our bodies.

We The Cool Magazine

Production - Pilar Alvarado, Steffi Fink

Photographer - Laura Allard-Fleischl

Fashion - Celia Arias

Hair - Tommy Stayton

Makeup - David Gillers

Fashion Assistant - Mao Miyakoshi

Photo Assistant - Bessie Turner

Models - Simone @ Named Models and Liam @ Anti Agency